Holistic healing using mind, body, and soul to heal from the deep rooted damage caused by manipulative people.

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Healing From Toxic Relationships
Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? Do you know anyone that is in a toxic relationship? The damage from being in one can be deep and long lasting. The toxicity seeps inside and slowly erodes our self-esteem. We eventually begin to experience anxiety, which depletes our resources and energy, turning into depression and apathy. The primary goal of toxic people, no matter what the symptom cluster, personality disorder or manipulative tactics used, is to control others in order to stabilize their own world. The fact that toxic people are controlling means that anything you do in the form of self-expression gets squashed in some way or another. So in other words, your uniqueness represents individuality or separation, which means that you are uncontrollable to them. That’s why over time we subconsciously lose our sense of safety in the freedom of self-expression. We have become programmed to back away from allowing others access to our thoughts, needs, wants, feelings or desires, keeping these locked away, sometimes without even realizing that we’re doing that. Withdrawing from true self-expression becomes automatic and underneath our conscious radar.